Written By: Jessie Kay
Divorce is an extremely stressful time, especially when there are children involved. The best thing you can do is to take extra special care of yourself. This will of course not only benefit you but also your kids. They will feel a lot more relaxed if they see that you are relaxed and in good spirits. Here are a couple of things you can do to help minimize your stress and help you cope. -Make sure that you maintain a healthy diet. Eat lots of fruit and veg and drink a lot of water. If you aren't taking a good multivitamin now would be an excellent time to start taking one. Try to find a high dose vitamin B complex supplement which you can take everyday. Vitamin B is excellent for maintaining energy levels, reducing stress and boosting your immune system.
Most importantly, take the time to heal! It may take time but you need to forgive yourself and your spouse. Don't cheat yourself out of a new and happy life by letting issues from your marriage follow you into new relationships.
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