Spousal Support Attorney in Merrifield VA

Spousal Support Attorney in Merrifield VA

Family talking to a spousal support attorney

Spousal support will typically be awarded in cases where one spouse earns more than the other and needs financial assistance because of an inability to work or acute need. Spousal support can further be acquired through terms laid out in prenuptial agreements. 

Spousal support can be enforced by contempt of court orders, so it's important for your spousal support attorney to know how to read the writing on the wall when you've got no money coming in because you've been laid off from a job due to downsizing. Spousal support attorneys from ReeseLaw helps former spouses manage transitions between living expenses and care-giving responsibilities. 

There are many factors that are accounted for when dealing with spousal support cases. Spousal support can be determined in part by the cost of living where you live, since different areas have different costs for food, shelter and transportation. Spousal support is also determined by how much time children spend with each parent, whether one spouse gave up their career to care for the children full-time while they attended school full-time, and if one spouse was a stay-at-home mom or dad while the other worked overtime to earn more money.

Contact ReeseLaw: Experienced Spousal Support Attorneys in Merrifield VA

At ReeseLaw, we are committed to providing expert spousal support. We understand that when youre in the trenches of a tough situation with your spouse, it can be hard for you to think about anything else besides how to get out of it. Thats why our team is dedicated to helping spouses navigate their way through difficult times and develop new perspectives on solving problems together without having to break up or end marriage counseling sessions prematurely.

Weve gone over some of the most common issues that spouses face, and we hope to help you feel less alone in your situation. If you need more help or want to talk about how our team can support you through this process, contact us today!

12150 Monument Dr, Suite 225 | Fairfax VA 22033 | Directions
☎ 703.279.5140 | 703.279.5141 (fax)

Evening and weekend appointments are available under certain circumstances.


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