Insights on Transparent Attorney-Client Relationships

You hear the chirp from your car as you click the lock button while making your way to the transparent glass doors lining the front of the building. The elevator’s beep interrupts the mental dialog that has been playing in your thoughts on infinite repeat all day. You enter the suite of the law firm, where decorations of plaques and calming artwork are intentionally displayed. Hesitation and anxiety run high as you think about the myriad of questions in your mind and the uncomfortable prospect of sharing the most intimate details of your family life with strangers that have the title of “Esquire.” Worst of all is the unrelenting uncertainty of the unknown next step.

We are all human.

These emotions are shared by most people, from all walks of life, when they first enter the world of family law – from the stay at home parent to the long-term service member; from the blue-collar worker to the small business owner. For many, it is difficult enough to trust and open up to a new person, let alone the concept of sharing the most intimate details of their lives. There is the fear of being judged due to idiosyncrasies of the marital relationship that may have aspects that are not socially acceptable, or past regrettable choices, or things that are downright embarrassing.

Transparency matters.

It makes sense to have these feelings, and they are completely normal when initially engaging in representation. However, no matter how embarrassing the subject matter, it is always in your best interests to share these details with your attorney. Transparency between attorneys and clients is critical for effective representation. The Attorney-Client Privilege allows clients and attorneys to speak freely, without fear of the attorney having to divulge communications with the client that may otherwise be harmful. The communications between the attorney and client are confidential and is a doctrine that is held paramount in the world of law.

Lay your cards on the table up front.

Withholding or lying about aspects of your case that may be unfavorable tends to rear its head later down the road, and usually at the most inopportune times. Knowing this information at the onset allows the attorney to understand how it affects your case, how that affects your position, and to properly strategize and mitigate its effects on your position in terms of settlement and litigation. Finding out there is a hidden lover in the middle of deposition or on the first day of trial is significantly more difficult to address than knowing about it from the beginning. We recommend you share all aspects of your story, even the ones that are less than positive, as early as possible to prevent potential surprises.

Judgement free zone.

Above all, we as family law attorneys do not judge your choices. Family law attorneys have been involved in the cases with fetishes and kinks beyond your imagination, have been involved in the unfortunate cases where a spouse will do anything, even sue their own children, just to harm the other spouse, and everything in between.  We aim to use our knowledge to help you figure out how to navigate the path towards your new life; to help you reach the light at the end of the tunnel. With the protections of the attorney-client privilege, it is safe to share your story with your attorney. We commit to not judge your decisions, and to shed light on the uncertainty you face, illuminating a path for your future.

If you are willing to be transparent, we are ready to assist you in taking your next step, tackling the uncertainty together as a team until that light at the end of the tunnel is your new reality.

12150 Monument Dr, Suite 225 | Fairfax VA 22033 | Directions
☎ 703.279.5140 | 703.279.5141 (fax)

Evening and weekend appointments are available under certain circumstances.


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